I am John Isenberg. I turned 65 yrs old, Aug 29, 2009. Two years ago, I was 190 pounds on my 5' 8" frame. I wasn’t fat, but well-built and muscular due to my physical labor as a house painter. I did this full time following my retirement from teaching.
- Boyden High School-1962
- Catawba College, AB Business-1967
- UNC M ed Education-1969
Work Experience
- NCSU-1969
- ICT North Rowan High- 21yrs (1969-91)
- Counselor West Rowan High-(1991-2000)
The Journey
In the year 2000...
- my weight was 190 pounds
- my waist measured 38 inches
- my shirt neck size was 16.5 X 33 inches
- my weight is 139 pounds
- my waist measures 30 inches
- my shirt neck size is 14.5 X 33 inches
December 31, 2007, I was hospitalized for a week and was diagnosed with ulcerated colitis, which caused me to lose weight. Two weeks later, I was back in the hospital with a flare up. My weight and strength were quickly diminishing. I was a weak 162-pound sick man. I have no recurring flare ups since taking Asacol since that time. In April, this year my weight had begun to creep back up to 180 pounds. To fight my dreaded disease, I had to devise a plan to lose weight and keep my strength. I have been very physically active, stripping and painting houses; but I was not losing weight. Changing my diet allowed me to drop from 180 pounds in April, to 140 pounds by the last week in May...all with little expenditures and almost no hunger pains! My doctor checked my health and was amazed. I now have my body as it was in the eighth grade and the strength and endurance to work 12 hour days, all in the hot Southern summers.
P.S. Many of my friends are overweight and have diabetes in various stages. Could this plan save their lives, as well as grief and money?